Virtual care for people using mental health services
Description of the services
Some mental health services offered by CLSCs now make use of telehealth. This is the case for clinical teams that offer online questionnaires. These questionnaires focus on the functional difficulties and symptoms of service users. This allows to assess whether the care and services offered are beneficial. This approach is governed by the Quebec Program for Mental Disorders: from self-care to psychotherapy (PQPTM).
The use of online questionnaires has several advantages:
- Helps the person prepare for meetings with his or her caregiver;
- Allows more time to be devoted to other therapeutic activities during consultation sessions;
- Can be completed at home, at any time;
- Easy to use with a computer or mobile device.
As with any healthcare intervention, the person must give their consent. The person remains free at all times to complete or not the online questionnaires. This decision has no impact on other care and services offered.
Technology used
The questionnaires are accessible via a web-based application called Plateforme provinciale de soins virtuels (PSV). This platform ensures the security and confidentiality of personal information. Security standards cover all stages of data transmission:
- Sending an e-mail link to the person;
- Completion of the online questionnaire;
- Returning the completed questionnaire to the provider.
Other technological means are sometimes used to improve access and quality of service. Teleconsultation (virtual meeting) is one such method. It enables patients to consult a healthcare professional at home, with sound and image. People who would like to take advantage of this mode of consultation can discuss it with their healthcare provider. The page Participate in a teleconsultation as a patient provides detailed information on this subject.
Technical Support
Before requesting support, it is recommended to consult the user guide in the Tools and Documentation section below. This guide explains how to complete and submit the PQPTM questionnaires.
If you have any difficulties using the online questionnaires, first contact your healthcare provider. If necessary, he or she will refer you to the Centre de soutien des services numériques en santé (CSSNS). To find out how to contact this support service, go to Technological support for patients.
Tools and Documentation
The following documents and links provide information on the use of the PQPTM questionnaires and on mental health services more generally.
- User Guide to PSV – PQPTM Questionnaires (in French only) (PDF 1,3 MB)
Detailed instructions for using a PQPTM questionnaire. Will be available in English shortly. - Checklist for using PSV (in French only) (PDF 332 Ko)
One-page summary of how to access and complete the questionnaire. Will be available in English shortly.
Useful links
- Stepped mental health care and services: from self-care to psychotherapy
Qué site - Digital tools to help with mental health
Qué site - Participate in a teleconsultation as a patient
RQT Portal

Telehealth at the heart of mental health service transformation : Online Help, 24/7
Last update: July 18, 2024